Account Management
Recovering My Account (Forgotten Login)
If you have have forgotten your account credentials or have lost access to your login method for various reasons (deleted social media accou...
My character disappeared
Whether you are an old player logging back in into the game after a while or if you have recently just disconnected and when reconnecting yo...
How to recover my password
If you have already created you account using an email but can't remember the password, these steps will help you recover it:Access the logi...
Changing your Character's Name (Nickname)
In order to change your character’s name the player needs to purchase a nickname change in the in-game shop. Follow the detailed steps below...
Finding my Client ID
Depending on the issue you have, when contacting support you might be required to provide the support agent with your Client ID. To get your...
Can I transfer Items between accounts or servers?
In OneState, assets management and transfer policies are designed to maintain balance and fairness within the game. Here’s what you need to ...
Can I recover a deleted character?
In OneState, your character represents your progress, achievements, and roleplay journey within the game. However, once a character or accou...