If you’ve received an over 600-day ban it’s certainly due a serious violation of our rules.
Amongst our most serious violations there is “ALERT2 - Damage to OneSate project servers” often issued for financial violations, in most (but not all) cases due to refunds made on OneState purchases. 

Purchases made in-game are not eligible for refund if the goods purchased have already been used, and the Alert2 punishment is issued accross all accounts of the player that made the refunds.

I made a mistake OR had an issue with my payment method

If you made an unintentional mistake OR had an issue with your traditional method you can appeal directly to your region’s community manager on discord.

  1. Head to your region’s official discord (it must be the region, your character was created in, you cannot open a ticket about a character in the US on the Australian discord) and look for the channel #complaints-techproblem
  2. Open a complaint about an administrator
  3. Describe your situation mentioning you name and server

A community manager will review your case shortly and in case there was an unintentional error, they will inform you what are the necessary steps to unban your account.